The Junk You Should Know Show Ep. 30: “The Power of When” and Sleep Chronotypes

THE POWER OF WHEN With Dr Michael Breus

Before you watch episode 30 of The Junk You Should Know Show, you have to head over and take this 45-second Chronotype quiz developed by Dr. Michael Breus, The Sleep Doctor. The quiz is extremely insightful in discovering sleep chronotypes or your biological clock profile. Dr. Denniston and guest speaker Dr. Breus, the author of The Power of When,” dive deep into the subject of sleep chronotypes and how it affects other areas in your life. 

Knowing your chronotype is huge, and Dr. Breus makes it easy to understand how being a dolphin, lion, bear, or wolf chronotype shapes your productivity and overall health.  With the test results and the book “The Power of When,” you will be better equipped to make the necessary changes to improve your overall well-being.

“The Power of When” and Sleep Chronotype with Dr. Michael Breus


What are sleep chronotypes? (5:31)

Think about the old terms “early bird” or “night owl,” these are the original form of sleep chronotypes.  They are classifications of people with different phases of productive energy due to sleep cycles.  

How are these sleep chronotypes categorized? (7:37)

As Dr. Breus humorously explains, “I’m a mammal, not a bird.” So, it only seemed appropriate to identify each sleep chronotype by mammals with similar sleep cycles.

The “lion” is comparable to the early riser, which makes up approximately 15% of the population. (Jump to 7:59 to hear more about the “Lion” Sleep Chronotypes)

The “bear” sleeps in relation to the solar cycle. About 55% of the population are “bears.” (Jump to 8:33 to hear more about the “Bear” Sleep Chronotypes)

“Wolf” chronotypes are most active at night. Just like the “lion” they only make up about 15% of the population. (Jump to 9:47 to hear more about the “Wolf” Sleep Chronotypes)

“Dolphin” chronotypes are similar to lions with their Type-A personalities. However, “dolphins” have significant sleep issues. (Jump to 12:25 to hear more about the “Dolphin” Sleep Chronotypes)

Do chronotypes change as we get older? (15:40)

Dr. Breus suggests that around age 20, we settle into a chronotype. Then again, around age 50 or so another shift occurs. 

What’s the point of the sleep profiles? (17:30)

Armed with the knowledge of your sleep profile (lion, bear, wolf, or dolphin), you now know when you’ll be the most productive. You can map out your the “perfect day” so that you can truly operate at your peak level. 

Fitness and Sleep Chronotypes (19:40)

Planning your fitness regiment truly depends on your purpose, for instance, fat loss, fitness, or performance. Dr. Breus maps out different strategies based on your purpose and chronotype.

Food and Sleep Chronotype (29:03)

Understanding what you eat and when you consume it makes a significant difference when it comes to your sleep chronotype. Planning your meals around optimal active hours specific to your profile can have an impact on your overall wellness.


An insightful episode of The Junk You Should Know Show regarding sleep chronotypes and your overall well-being.

Dr. Denniston took the test and she’s a “bear” chronotype. What was your sleep chronotype?


In case you missed the LIVE session, check out the replay here. What was your favorite wellness hack from this episode of The Junk You Should Know Show?

Don’t forget to grab your free gifts, including:

  • “Five Free Paleo Recipes”
  • “Create Your Own Stairs Circuit Workout”
  • “Supplements You Need to Take”

A special thank you to The Change Cave for sponsoring The Junk You Should Know Show! The Change Cave is a 12-Module online membership program for women, who are motivated to take their wellness to the next level.

Don’t forget The Junk You Should Know Show airs LIVE on WELLFITandFED’s Facebook page every Friday at noon PST.

An insightful episode of The Junk You Should Know Show regarding sleep chronotypes and your overall well-being.


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About Dr. Denniston

Dr. Denniston is a wellness strategist for elite leaders and their teams, bridging the connection between personal well-being and professional success. She provides custom solutions for burnout and stress and facilitates cohesive habit-training strategies that maximize vitality, productivity, and resilience.

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WELLFITandFED’s primary programming includes programs, keynotes, workshops, events and customized consulting. The foundations of these offerings are rooted in 25 years of experience working with companies from small start-ups to global giants like Microsoft.

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