Product Pimp ~ Dom’s Deodorant: A Natural Alternative To The Stink.

Let’s be honest. We stink. We are human and with being human comes the off-gassing, periodic dampness (or full on dripping) of our pits. Interesting design feature for sure. Here is how one’s “stink factor” happens.

When sweat secretions occur the PH level of our pits combined with that moist environment allow bacteria to thrive. These opportunistic bacteria feed on the sweat. The chemical bi-product of that sweat-meal gives off an odor, also known as  “the pit stink.” Human perspiration is actually odorless unless fermented by these bacteria! (Amazing what you can find out on Wikipedia.)


In response to our unruly armpits, a vast array of deodorants and antiperspirants (a deodorant sub-category to slow the sweating process itself) have been designed and “sexy-marketed”  to varying degrees of success. The problem is that with the increasing demand for better and better stink control there are more and more questionable chemicals being added to products flooding the market.


Our skin is the largest organ of our body. It is permeable which means we secret and absorb through this masterful covering. I have often heard the adage “don’t ever put something on your skin something that you wouldn’t agree to eat.” The notion is that your skin is “eating” whatever you put on it. So it behooves us to act cautiously when slathering ourselves with lotions and potions. That includes our choice of pit sticks.

There are many natural deodorants available but in my experience none of them seem to truly get the job done. I wanted something I could count on. After coming across Dom’s Deodorant from three different sources, I knew I had to try it.

I ordered Dom’s directly from the website. It arrived just a few days later. While ordering, I read  about the owner of Dom’s. Dom  lives on  Salt Spring Island, off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. She reports that after a pretty serious health scare she committed to living as holistic and healthy a lifestyle as possible. Part of being true to her mission was being intentional about what she did, and more importantly, did not put on her body. It was from the lack of a decent deodorant product on the market that she designed this all-natural option that any human can feel safe using.

The best part….it works! 


The ingredients are simple; coconut oil, baking soda, essential oils, and arrowroot powder.

I have to say I was a little hesitant to use the product because it is a paste. At first that seemed really awkward to me. But after using it a couple times I realized it was actually  convenient and practical. The directions are simple. You take a pea size amount and rub it together with your fingers to warm it up and then smooth it on the pits. It smells so lovely!

Let’s just say I challenged this product. With working out, travel, yoga classes and a host of other sweat producing endeavors Dom’s holds up beautifully. The other wonderful thing about this product is the price point. After exchange (Canadian product,) the deodorant is only about 12 dollars per jar but each jar is at least a three month supply. I have been ordering several at a time because you do have to pay shipping, but I imagine Dom’s will be more widely available soon.




Here is the link to the productI hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think!

Dom’s was featured in Vogue UK. How cool is that? LINK

And could she be any cuter?? 



[box] “Your skin is your body’s largest organ, absorbing what is applied to its surface. DOM’S DEODORANT uses 100% natural and pure ingredients that really work to inhibit the bacteria that cause odor, allowing you to stay remarkably fresh while being kind to your body.” ~ Dom’s Deodorant[/box]  

Product Pimp articles featured on WELLFITandFED are NON-SPONSERED. I just love this stuff I write about and want to yell about it!

Want to see other “Product Pimp” articles. Click below! 

Product Pimp: FABLETICS – Fabulous or Fraud?

Product Pimp: FitFlop – A Devine Snuggly Hug For Your Feet.

Let me know what you think of this great product and if you haven’t signed up for WELLFITandFED’s Instagram or Facebook accounts do so soon because I am going to be running a giveaway for Dom’s products!

24 Responses

    1. Just click the link in the blog and it will take you right to the site. Let me know if you have any trouble with it!

  1. This sounds too good to be true! I hate using conventional deodorant because of the aluminum and chemicals that they are made of. Does this stain your clothing at all? I may have to try it!!!!

  2. I am always on the lookout for a good natural deodorant. Currently I tried Tom’s of Maine unscented. That was a big mistake! I have to say the idea of it being a paste turns me off a little too, but I’m willing to try it if it’s “the one”

    1. Honestly, I was surprised I didn’t hate. Didn’t try for a long time because of that very reason. But it is not a pain at all.

  3. I too would love to make the move away from aluminum-containing deodorants, but I have a hard time dealing with the wetness. I guess that takes getting used to.

    1. The arrowroot and baking soda actually I find really help with that but you will have to let me know what you find!

  4. Oddly enough, I recently went through a weird “My skin is having a bad reaction to EVERYTHING” period and couldn’t find a good natural deodorant. It was a hellish couple of months. My skin has seemed to calm down now but I’m going to order some of this an see how I do with it.

  5. This is so interesting. I just recently changed to a deodorant with no aluminum in it and was happy about that – but it still has a long list of odd ingredients. And it’s so hard to find products for women that aren’t anti-perspirent!

    1. Alexandra, that is so true. It was why I was so happy to find this! Good luck with trying it and let me know what you think

  6. Interesting. I know lots of people that make their deodorant with those same ingredients. But, I’ve heard really bad things about coconut oil being on your armpits. If you start to sweat that oil will come off into the pits of your clothes. I tried my friends once and had oil stains on my gray t-shirt!! Hahaha. Have you experienced that?

  7. Very good read. I’ve been making my own deodorant for at least 4 years. When I first started using it I did have some sensitivity to the baking soda, I decreased the amount and haven’t had any issues since.

  8. I use another brand of natural deodorant with similar ingredients, and I think it works great! You would think the coconut oil would rub off and stain your clothes, but somehow it doesn’t!

    1. Of course….It seems it is the one “natural” product they have had a hard time getting right so it si nice to finally find a good one!

  9. I got this product for myself and for my husband and we are both fans!! Took it with me to sunny, hot Palm Springs and it holds up!! Thanks Heather.

    1. Yeah! Great feedback Jenni! I have been wondering how well it works on men so glad to hear it holds up. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

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