What About Life After The Three Day Reset?

The Three Day Reset - Next Steps after you are done

If you don’t know about THE THREE DAY RESET, click HERE to read about the details. It is now available for purchase!

So you have completed The Three Day Reset one or more times, and you are wondering how to nutritionally behave for the rest of the week. That is a great question! The beauty of The Three Day Reset is it provides flexibility in your week, so you don’t have to be militant in your approach to food. If you do The Three Day Reset as recommended, it translates to perfect nutrition for forty percent of your month. Not many people can say they eat perfectly forty percent of the time! During the Reset days, you are filling your body with well-sourced healthy meats, fresh organic fruits and vegetables, nutrient dense bone broth and an antioxidant packed anti-inflammatory smoothie. What a great investment in your health.



Here is one of my “RESETERS”! Thanks for submitting your PRE-PREP photo! I love it! Look at al the fantastic, healthy organic goodness!! 




But the question is what to do the rest of the time? The first thing to remember is you can continue portions of the Reset program throughout the rest of your week. There are no adverse effects to an ongoing Reset. If you enjoy the bone broth then consider continuing with that regimen or if you love the smoothie make it part of every day. You get the idea. The intent behind The Three Day Reset is to bring you back to clean whole food eating and also establish habits of excellent eating that spill over to the rest of your week.


Food Sensitivities

Another benefit of The Three Day Reset is that the plan removes most potential allergens from your diet for three days. This means when you start reintroducing foods like wheat and dairy after completing the program you may notice some responses from your body. Your body is an incredible healing machine. Even after eliminating common allergens for just three days your body can recover enough that if exposed again may react strongly to an offensive invader. Pay attention to these responses. Reactions such as GI discomfort, (gas and bloating are not normal!) headaches, fatigue and irritability can be food related and symptomatic of a food sensitivity. You might consider eliminating that food for good.

Happy Animals.

Now that you have learned about well-sourced chicken and cleanly caught, unfarmed fish watch for sourcing as you reintroduce beef and pork. Look for organic, grass fed wherever possible. Shopping “happy animal products” ensures you are getting the proper balance of omega 3,6 and 9 fats. Good sourcing also confirms you are not ingesting any hidden antibiotics hormones and other nasties in your piece of meat.

Read Labels

During The Reset, you had to read labels to ensure there was no soy, preservatives, or additives in your food you were purchasing for the program. Make it a habit to continue to read ingredients. Remember that artificial sweeteners, soy, colors, additives and chemicals you can’t pronounce are better left outside your body.

The Dirty Fifteen

Fruits and vegetables are better tolerated if you continue to source organic but if you would prefer to buy regular because of cost continue to steer clear of the dirty fifteen. You should never compromise choosing organic on the following list: apples, peaches, strawberries, nectarines, grapes, celery, spinach, sweet bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, snap peas, potatoes, hot peppers, kale, collard greens.

Source for the Dirty Fifteen.”

Hello Sweetness

Sweeteners are the most difficult “food” for many to give up. When coming off The Three Day Reset, you might consider adding back only natural sugars like stevia, maple syrup, palm sugar and honey. Avoid refined sugars like brown rice syrup, wheat syrup, and high fructose corn syrup. There are so many delicious recipes that utilize only natural sugars. Sugar and artificial sweeteners may not be as difficult to give up as you first thought.

Processed Foods

Think of processed food as anything in a box or a can. Think of processed food as anything with multiple ingredients and a long shelf life. Think of processed food as anything with a commercial. One of the most important choices to entertain as you come off The Three Day Reset is continuing to avoid processed foods. The impact of preservatives, artificial colors and sweeteners and questionable chemicals spell disaster for your health.

The Three Day Reset is intended to allow you to eat less regulated four days of the week. The program is intended to be completely doable by having flexibility. But ask yourself a question. Do your “normal eating habits” need refining? Can you use your time on The Three Day Reset as a springboard to make excellent nutritional changes on non-Reset days? Eating well takes practice and discipline. The methods on The Reset will teach you how to make better, more nutritionally conscious choices the rest of your week.


This week pick one area to focus nutritionally. Maybe you do one cup of bone broth a day on your non-Reset days, or you stick with hot lemon water in the mornings. Practicing some of the techniques on the Reset during the rest of the week is like supercharging the effects of the Reset.




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46 Responses

    1. Sure does Rachel. I would love you to give THRE THREE DAY RESET a try to compare with your other detoxes. 🙂

    1. The sweeteners are my biggest downfall too but I can definitely do it for the three days on THE THREE DAY RESET and then I don’t feel like I crave them as much the rest of the week.

    1. I would love it if you did, Allison. You can still “Celebrate Sweets” the rest of the week! 🙂

  1. Since about 2012 I’ve been on a whole food diet with just recently adding meat to my diet 3 times a week for some extra iron. I have to say once you eat extremely healthy your body does not like processed foods, sugar, salt, or dairy. I love the idea of eating clean 40% of the time. It is such an improvement for so many people. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Never tried one. Yet! But all the good things I hear about whole foods diet increases my resolve to change my eating habits. I’ll start small and hopefully build better habits.

    1. That is why I designed The Three Day Reset, Lynn. It is a way for people like you to start small and see how doable it is! Let me know if you would like a complimentary consultation on how to get started with it. 🙂

  3. I signed up to get your 3 day reset, but haven’t completed it yet. I have to plan it out, and get the shopping done. I’m anxious to feel the changes in my body. So great to learn what to do afterwards too.

    1. Shann!! That makes me so happy! Let me know how it goes for you and don’t hesitate to message me with questions. You are my perfect candidate to try this in a busy mum kinda way. xoxo

  4. I’m going to sign up as well. Just by that picture of one of the resetters you posted with all of her organic veggies – it makes me want to try it out!

    1. I loved that too. I was so glad when she sent it! Good luck! Let me know how it goes for you!

  5. I just changed my diet to a more clean one without much processed food or sweeteners and discovered that sugar-addiction is real thing. I would have never thought I’d have with drawls from cutting out sugar. But ever since I switched I feel so much better and more energized. I am loving and will keep doing it (80% of the time, the other 20% are to satisfy my dirty little food pleasures). Great article!

    1. Thanks Jasmin! And good for you. In the book Lick The Sugar Habit she shows that sugar is harder to give up than cocaine!

    1. Way to go Chandra! That is what it is al about. Just keep learning and refining what is best for you and your body!

  6. I had never heard of the Three Day Reset. You have me intrigued. It sounds fantastic. I need to learn more about it for me and my husband. We are both trying to take firm steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Thank you for introducing me to this new concept! 🙂

    1. I would love for you to check it out, Denay. Let me know if you have any trouble downloading or understanding he process! Here is to eating well!

  7. Hi Heather! I am excited to try out the 3 day reset. It has been a journey figuring out the foods that cause health issues for me, and I’m glad I finally know what I should be eating for good health!

    1. Me too! I struggle with that too! It’s all about climbing back up when you fall right, Cynthia?

  8. Independent of detoxing, the guidelines for this program sound like the right way to eat for anyone! We really stick to clean eating whenever possible, especially with meat. We are fortunate to live somewhere that organic options are readily available too.

    1. That is the point, Toni. The hope is that people will grow great habits and they will spill over to the rest of the week. 🙂

  9. I’ve wanted to do a “cleanse” of sorts and honestly, the advice for the following week seem to be something I totally can handle! I would love to reset my body to not be used to so many foods that aren’t very healthy for me.

  10. I have never heard about 3-day reset but it most definitely sounds like the perfect way to kick-start healthier choices and living. We include alot of veggies and fruits in our diet but ofcourse sugar is always a problem! Great post and tips 🙂 Hope you are having a good day!

    Monika | http://www.palateforstyle.com

    1. Thanks Monica! It IS a great way to just set our habits straight for a few days. Let m eknow if you get the chance to try it. 🙂

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About Dr. Denniston

Dr. Denniston is a wellness strategist for elite leaders and their teams, bridging the connection between personal well-being and professional success. She provides custom solutions for burnout and stress and facilitates cohesive habit-training strategies that maximize vitality, productivity, and resilience.

Want to look and feel your healthiest?

THE THREE DAY RESET is a whole food, organic eating plan geared to charge your metabolism, give you tons of energy, and provide all the nutrients and vitamins you need.

Ready to work together?

WELLFITandFED’s primary programming includes programs, keynotes, workshops, events and customized consulting. The foundations of these offerings are rooted in 25 years of experience working with companies from small start-ups to global giants like Microsoft.

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