The Three Day Reset LAUNCH- Finally a food plan that is doable!

It is here! The launch of THE THREE DAY RESET. My beta testers and I have worked very hard on bringing this transformational program to you before the holidays so you can get started right away!

the three day reset cover

The Good News? It’s FREE!!!!


UPDATE!!!!! – July 2016

SAD NEWS: As of July 2016 this product is no longer FREE. I have doubled it’s size and turned in into a book. 

GREAT NEWS: You can buy it HERE


Why on earth would you want this thing? 

After 20 years of studying and coaching patients on various nutrition protocols, I realized many people have similar frustrations when it comes to eating right. People’s goals were consistent. They wanted “doable”, clean, non-extreme methods to address moving toward healthier eating practices and weight maintenance. With these goals in mind and research across many sources and platforms, I developed The Three Day Reset.

The Three Day Reset is a gentle way to incorporate many of the best practices of the diverse programs I have found to be successful. The purpose of The Three Day Reset is to provide a framework through which we can start to build healthy food habits – habits that will spill over into our life outside “The Reset.” Habits that will result in a significant investment toward long-term abundant life experience, starting with nutrition. The Three Day Reset is not a diet. It is a transformational experience that will leave you refreshed and renewed.


The Three Day Reset Mission

To emotionally and physically step away from toxic, processed and inflammatory foods, and to replenish our systems with whole, nutrient-rich alternatives.


How do you get started with this transformational program? So easy! You just sign up to receive emails on WELLFITandFED (sign up when you see the pop-up or in any of the sign-up boxes on each page of WELLFITandFED) and you will receive an email with the link and password. Bada bing! But I am only giving this product away for a short time, so take advantage while the getting is hot, hot, hot! 

If you are already signed up to receive emails from WELLFITandFED the link and password will automatically be sent to your email address on file! How cool is that? 



Thanks for signing up!

Hurray, let’s get to the part about kale!

52 Responses

    1. The link is in the post. Then you just have to sign up for emails which is a green box on each of the pages of the website including the one that the link takes you too. Here is the link to a page that has the email sign up. Just scroll down a little and the sign up is on the left of the page.

      As soon as you are signed up I will send you the link and the super secret code to unlock THE RESET. Can’t wait for you to try it! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Kristen! Hard when you work on it all by yourself and then you put it out for the world to see! Xo thank you!

    1. Hurray Melissa! Me too but I am biased. My husband and I just started one this morning. I love the simplicity of it.

    1. Fantastic. Come back around and share your thoughts when you have done your first one. I would really value your opinion Becky! 🙂

    1. Of course Rachael! Did you sign up for emails? You should get it automatically if you didn’t/ I will go and check. If you are not signed up I will go ahead and sign you up. Stand by! 🙂

    2. Hey just signed you up. Make sure to confirm your subscription by responding to the email that is automatically sent and the Three Day Reset will be sent to you after that. Just making sure you are not a robot! 🙂

    1. I launched it intentionally at this time because we can all find three days here and there during these holidays and then January isn’t quite so scary from a health and scale aspect. 🙂

    1. Sure, Janice. I will put your email address in to receive emails from WELLFITandFED and then you can receive it for free. Let me know that that is okay with you. 🙂

    2. Make sure to respond to the confirmation email I just sent. That way I can be sure I have your permission to send you information. 🙂

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About Dr. Denniston

Dr. Denniston is a wellness strategist for elite leaders and their teams, bridging the connection between personal well-being and professional success. She provides custom solutions for burnout and stress and facilitates cohesive habit-training strategies that maximize vitality, productivity, and resilience.

Want to look and feel your healthiest?

THE THREE DAY RESET is a whole food, organic eating plan geared to charge your metabolism, give you tons of energy, and provide all the nutrients and vitamins you need.

Ready to work together?

WELLFITandFED’s primary programming includes programs, keynotes, workshops, events and customized consulting. The foundations of these offerings are rooted in 25 years of experience working with companies from small start-ups to global giants like Microsoft.

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