A Little Piece Of Paper Taught Me About Visualization

A Little Piece Of Paper Taught Me About Visualization

Sitting on my yoga mat, I was waiting for class to start. An instructor, who I had not seen before, walked in and started talking (at a decibel level not typical of yoga teachers). He sauntered past and stated, “We are going to do a little exercise before class.” He handed out a small, square piece of thick paper and a pen to each student. He said “Write one word on this piece of paper that represents something that you want to come to fruition in your life.” I could see several of the other student’s faces were conveying the same message as mine. “Why the hell aren’t we in child’s pose right now?” By the set of our instructor’s lips, we could cumulatively surmise class would not begin until we followed through. I closed my eyes and thought for a moment.


I had been under a tremendous amount of pressure the last several months. I had decided I wanted to sell my practice, and I was very excited for the next chapter. The problem was I was getting no offers. Proverbial crickets. I was starting to panic thinking I may not be able to move onto all of these wonderful things I had planned. So on my card I wrote these letters “S,” “E,” “L,” “L.”

Yogi had us hand in our cards, and then he mixed them up and handed them back to us face down. He said as he climbed over mats and people, “Whatever word you receive, focus on it for the duration of the class. Invision positive things for the person for the duration of class today.” He dropped mine on my mat.

Now there were close to sixty people in the room, so when I turned my paper over and saw my handwriting my heart leaped a little in my chest. “SELL.” Out of sixty opportunities I received my card back.

After class, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going on here. I went home and propped up my little card in a highly visual place and got to picturing that I would sell my practice. I focused on it every day.

Nothing happened.

I put my little card in a different place, thinking maybe it wasn’t visible enough.

Still nothing.

One day I was sitting in my office after patients, and I was in tears. The call to move onto the next chapter in my life was so strong and clear I could not understand why things were not moving forward. Then it hit me. I had written the wrong word on the card.

For years Olympians have been using visualization to create better success in their sport. When visualization was studied by Russian researchers, the following surprising results were revealed. They divided a large group of athletes into four groups of study.

  • Group one:100% physical training
  • Group two:75% physical training, 25% mental training
  • Group three:50% physical training, 50% mental training
  • Group four:25% physical training, 75% mental training

Spoiler Alert: The scientists found that the fourth group performed the best during the Olympics.

Srinivasan Pillay M.D., a professor at Harvard explains, “We stimulate the same brain regions when we visualize an action as we do when we actually perform that same action.” That means our brains do not know the difference between actually doing something versus just thinking about it. Dozens of injured athletes have gone on to exceptional performance with the ability to train by visualization only. Sport’s psychologists agree that visualization adds a competitive edge. But the practice has to be very specific and detailed.

One afternoon I was doing dishes in the kitchen and the little card, propped up against a glass, caught my eye. It hit me like a thunderbolt. I was going about this all wrong. I needed to be like the gold metal athletes and visualize what SUCCESS felt like. I needed to feed my brain sensory cues about what it would be like to sign the closing documents and pop a celebratory bottle of pink champagne on the top of a mountain. I was too busy focusing on the SELL instead of the SOLD.

I flipped the card over and in bold sharpie letters I wrote four letters. “S,” “O,” “L,” “D.” Now when I looked at the card I didn’t see myself in the process of selling the practice I saw the running visual of having SOLD the practice. The done deal, so to speak. A subtle difference perhaps, but every action I took after that shift was with a mindset of having already completed the goal. I prepared and trained my mind to be open and ready when it happened.


Did my visualizing “SOLD” versus “SELL” cause me to magically attract the lovely buyers who eventually took over the practice? Some would argue yes. But, if nothing else, my conviction and confidence in the “sale being a forgone conclusion” definitely resulted in my being more decisive and clear in my actions toward that goal.


This week I want you to identify one of your goals that has not come to fruition. Is there a way you could visualize it more clearly? Is there doubt that needs to be addressed? Do you need to “visualize” more regularly and in more detail to get your brain chemistry tuned to making this goal a forgone conclusion?

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15 Responses

  1. Great post! I have a vision board in my office that is focused on travel. About eight months after putting it up, I won a trip to Milan. A few weeks after, I won a trip to NYC. Now I need to look at some other goals to work on – and put them in the already accomplished tense!

  2. This is such an interesting post, especially since I’ve been under a lot of pressure & stress lately too. It just seems like I always have 34863784637 things to do, and it stresses me out. Loving your suggestion! xx Adaleta Avdic

  3. Thank you for the very informative post. You’ve reminded me that everything which takes place in the physical world must first be created in the mind. Lately I’ve been so busy that I’ve neglected the all important laws of creation. No wonder I feel like I’m spinning my wheels!

    1. Don’t we all get there at times Cait! I know I often get to into the doing of things and forget about the dreaming and visualizing. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Beautiful post. I do have a goal that has not come to fruition and it is to write a story, always I them initiate but as always I get stuck in the development of the characters and all, ugh :/

    1. So it looks like you need to picture having finished the story, what it feels like, what you would do with it. I would love to hear how this goes!

  5. This is so interesting. Visualization is one of those things that I feel like I should do but never actually get around to doing. Interesting perspective on word usage for sure!

  6. So, interesting and yet something that is so profound. I know the Phil Jackson was big on visualization and it really worked for his team. It’s amazing how strong and powerful our minds are!

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Dr. Denniston is a wellness strategist for elite leaders and their teams, bridging the connection between personal well-being and professional success. She provides custom solutions for burnout and stress and facilitates cohesive habit-training strategies that maximize vitality, productivity, and resilience.

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