How To Make Dozens Of Salad Dressings: Seven Simple Steps

How To Make Dozens Of Salad Dressings In Seven Simple Steps

Homemade salad dressings seem all mysterious and password protected, but they are not! They are simple, ridiculously simple. So simple you will blush for not having thought to make them years ago. Store bought dressings, although marginally improved over the last couple years, are often loaded with sugar, corn syrup, dairy, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and colors.

I know, yummy, right? That is why making your dressing at home is not only rewarding, “Here I just whipped up this cool password protected homemade dressing for a hostess gift for you.” But it they are also way the heck better for you.

How To Make Dozens Of Salad Dressings

This tutorial will be short and sweet because homemade salad dressing is that simple.


STEP ONE: Pick your Base Oil: This is your foundation. What do you want to taste? A little olive or avocado perhaps?


STEP TWO: Pick Your Flare: The flare is the vinegar. Vinegar is “the jewelry” that accessorizes the little black dress. Vinegar is where the magic happens.


STEP THREE: Add Your Zest: What spices or herbs do you love? Is it garlic, Italian Seasoning or just a little salt and pepper?


STEP FIVE: The Optionals: I like to add things like a little Dijon for kick, or blend my dressing with one-half of an avocado to thicken it up and give it that “Green Goddess” dressing consistency. Another great add-on is a splash of lemon juice or lime juice. You are the artist! You decide.

STEP SIX: The Sass: Some of you like a little more sweetness than others, so you, (you sweet thing you), might prefer a sweet dressing over tangy. Honey or Maple Syrup are my go-to sweeteners, but you could use stevia or Palm sugar as well.

STEP SEVEN: The Trick: The trick is that the recipe is the same (mostly) for whatever homemade salad dressings you want to make. Combine one part oil and a little more than one part vinegar. Add your spices to taste and a drizzle of sweetener if you so choose. Below is a video of a simple THREE DAY RESET Dressing I made on a Facebook live broadcast. Also, here is the ORANGE SPICE DRESSING I love to use over a butter lettuce salad. Another favorite is the TROPICAL KALE SALAD. The dressing in that recipe is such a great example of a play on the “seven steps” theme. 

See? No need to purchase salad dressings ever again. Any flavors that you enjoy in your bottled dressing can be imitated pretty simply from home. Enjoy!

[Tweet “”100 Times Better Than Store-Bought.””]

Want to watch the video version of the post? Click the button below. 

Salad Dressings are a common source of hidden sugar. I challenge you to make your own dressing at home for the next couple of weeks and play with some of the combinations from above. I know you will not be disappointed.



I could also just send you FIVE FREE PALEO RECIPES to your inbox right now if you prefer? 




20 Responses

  1. salad dressings are so hard for me because we eat paleo and I want delicious dressing without all the hassle. These tips are AMAZING! I cannot wait to incorporate them this weekend and make something delicious!

    1. It takes a little faith and bravery to get started but once you see that you really can’t go to far wrong the options are limitless.

    1. Such a great idea. i often have a base one in the fridge at all times and then I tweak it each time I use it during that week so that there is a little different flavor with every salad.

    1. I love the memories around learning how to treat our bodies and health well. We all have to learn from someone,right? That is great!

    1. Rachel, thank you so much for the feedback. I love that you stopped by and thought to share with others i am truly grateful!

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Dr. Denniston is a wellness strategist for elite leaders and their teams, bridging the connection between personal well-being and professional success. She provides custom solutions for burnout and stress and facilitates cohesive habit-training strategies that maximize vitality, productivity, and resilience.

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